Ready to book?
Download the party booking form and email it to, or print it out and take it to a Tiny Acorns class!
Can’t decide?
Reserve your party date now for just £50 & decide on the type later!
Any questions?
Just ask here!
Important notes!
● Payment in full is required within seven days of receiving the booking form.
● Please return booking form with cheque payable to Tiny Acorns Ltd or by bank transfer.
● Tiny Acorns Ltd reserves the right to alter/amend party details including but not limited to the activities included and the person entertaining.
● In the event of date changes of any booking, Tiny Acorns Ltd will endeavour to alter dates subject to availability.
● Bank transfers – Tiny Acorns Ltd Sort Code 09-01-28 Acct no 56001005. Please use the party date as reference.